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SAP Material variants

Create material variants in SAP automatically - in background, fully automated with our CaRD material variant creation Add-on.

Configurable materials which have been defined with their characteristic attributes cannot be managed in the system as simple stock materials. Instead, they have to be created specifically in that form in the material master. Moreover, you need to carry out a number of additional activities in order to be able to work with a stock material in the usual way, for example creating references to bills of material and routings, price conditions etc.

Generating a stock material from a sales order item with a configurable material when this item is created, allowing quantity-based management of that material as stock material. The current configuration should be copied from the sales order into the stock material. In addition, the solution should allow configuration via an ABAP program without reference to a sales order.

Generation of Material Variants for Configurable Products

The solution enables you to generate stock materials either when creating a sales order or by running a specific on-line transaction. It is therefore possible to carry out all steps required to create a stock material in one single transaction. The creation of stock materials can be based either on a sales order or on an existing configurable material.The entire modification was created as a User Exit and therefore lies within the customer name space. It is completely separate from SAP objects and requires no post-processing after hot-package updates or other transports by SAP. All objects and structures required for the modification are within the customer name space.

If you are interested in our material variants Add-on for the SAP variant management based on KMATs. The Add-on is available on a fixed price basis and can be implemented and trained on-site or remote. In addition the Add-on can be enhanced very easily and at low costs if you should have additional requirements.

Beratung und Entwicklung für Variantenkonfiguration

Zusätzlich zu unseren Add-ons bieten wir selbstverständlich auch Beratung für Variantenkonfigurationsthemen an.

Dazu gehören schwerpunktmäßig nachstehende Themen

Aufbau der Produktstruktur (PSM, iPPE, PLM7 usw.)

Beziehunsgwissen, Klassifizierung und Merkmale

Konfigurator und Entscheidungstabellen


Eigene Konfigurationslösungen

Anbindungen an externe Konfiguratoren

Änderungsmanagement (Ein-/Auslauf)

Gerne unterstützen wir Sie bei Bedarf in Verbindung mit Ihrem Szenario. Oft lohnt es sich gemeinsam zu überlegen und unterschiedliche Optionen abzuwägen. Manchmal helfen kundenspezifische Entwicklungen, oft sind Szenarien auch im SAP Standard abbildbar.

Wir können Sie umfangreich unterstützen, egal ob Sie Ihre Maximalstückliste und abhängige Objekte im Standard pflegen oder die Auflösungsbausteine im Standard enhancen möchten.

Gerne unterstützen wir Sie auch mit unseren Entwicklern die auf die Bereiche spezialisiert sind.

Weitere Details

Contact details

CaRD America Inc.
68 Chapman Heights Street
LAS VEGAS, NV  89138

Telephone: +1 (650) 464 0130
E-mail: info(at)card-america.com


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Telephone: +1 (650) 464 0130
E-mail: customers(at)card-america.com

Telephone: +1 (650) 464 0130
E-mail: support(at)card-america.com


For further details please use our contact form.

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  • overall Consulting
  • own experts
  • new technologies
  • transparancy
  • private Cloud available
  • fairness
  • sustainability